Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pension Plane With L.i.c. Jeewan Suraksha


Originally published at Blood, Glory & Steel . Please leave any comments there.

.. or well known with the mutation of the sandwich offerings. A while ago I ate at work, a wonderful sandwich, with goat cheese, honey and thyme. The whole so incredibly delicious that I had been thinking of developing this recipe and to take the next step was - said than done!

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\u0026lt;p style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px;"> \u0026lt;strong> Originally published at \u0026lt;a href = "http://www.ofsteel .net / goat-cheese-chicken "> Blood, Glory & Steel \u0026lt;/ a>. Please leave any comments \u0026lt;a href=""> \u0026lt;/ a>. There \u0026lt;/ strong> \u0026lt;/ p> , .. or even known by the mutation of the sandwich offerings. A while ago I ate at work, a wonderful sandwich with goat cheese, honey and thyme. The whole thing was so incredibly delicious that I had been thinking of developing this recipe and carry to the next level – said than done! \u0026lt;/ P> \u0026lt;center> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;table Style="width: 500px; padding="3"> \u0026lt;td valign="top" style="width: 200px;"> \u0026lt;a href = ""> \u0026lt;img src = "http://www.ofsteel .net/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/ziegenkaese-thymian-honig-huhn-225x300.png "alt =" "title =" goat cheese, thyme-honey-chicken "width =" 225 "height = "300" class = "alignnone size-medium wp-image-3141" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;td valign="top"> \u0026lt;div style = "margin-left: 10px ;> \u0026lt;strong> Ingredients: \u0026lt;/ strong> \u0026lt;br /> 400g chicken breast fillet \u0026lt;br /> 300 ml whipping cream 2 tbsp honey \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> 100g goat's cheese \u0026lt;br / > thyme salt \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> oil \u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;p align = "justify"> \u0026lt;strong> Phase I: cut \u0026lt;/ strong> The chicken into strips and swim for 3 hours in a deep bowl of whipped cream can. . Then remove and drain, cream cancel \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;strong> Phase II: Making \u0026lt;/ strong> the oil in a frying pan hot and cook the chicken until it is golden. Then add the honey and stir well \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;strong> Phase III: Cut \u0026lt;/ strong> The little goat cheese and place with the thyme to the pan along with.. A few minutes later, the cream of phase I do and cook. \u0026lt;/ P> \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;/ table> \u0026lt;strong> Finish \u0026lt;/ strong> \u0026lt;/ center> \u0026lt;/ p> ; \u0026lt;p> to the whole story can be rich noodles or rice. In my case, it is pasta and some grated goat cheese on top also. Garnished with a raspberry. \u0026lt;/ P> Hail to the Kingdom of Steel \u0026lt;/ p> Arnoc Brother \u0026lt;/ p>


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