Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Congratulate Someone In Spanish

Everyday is WTF-Day ..

Originally published at Blood, Glory & Steel . Please leave any comments there.

.. or what IF THE ABOVE spends time. In the last few weeks and months, collected more and more activities for the week to do more gabs and what to go where, I came to nothing more. This gave me the idea during the week at max. 2 evenings to make what the rest of the time I take the rest I need. And damn, is slowly dismantling, the more I realize the impact every day. It's incredible how much crap liegengebliebenem you go, if you just added a couple of days time and does not sizzle like a madman from A to B.

Zappbar is now tentatively laid on Monday, let's see what is out of it - because Thursday is probably too much activity. Obs was the chess club now or simply the amount of other visitors did, let me say that one can hardly took place and we do not know.

Otherwise, my days are rather quiet at the moment, I look after my eight-legged on a regular basis, even come back a little to cook, or to visit one or the other concert. may be to believe, only a few weeks until I take my well-earned holiday - then it'll relax for a few days in the north and. Glorious!

Hail to the Kingdom of Steel!

Brother Arnoc


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