Originally published at Blood, Glory & Steel . Please leave any comments there.
.. or also known as the Federal Party of Pirates 2010th There were times two groups: the "Kernis 'and' Vollis" - the core supporters had nothing to do with any such radioactive isotopes, no - they wanted the Pirate Party keep topics in their core ideals, data protection, open-government ideas and all the other nice stuff with which they have done it to crack the last major election, the 2% mark. Them against those who wanted the full program were - stand out technical evolution to the next level and develop a modern and pirate, comprehensive approach. I count myself among the latter. The
depends in part to the fact that I was not one before, why on "individual freedom" and "State serves the people" based party to move to a level of niche parties and protest voters should, if she has so much potential. The other part is the necessary - if you look at citizens' developed from parties either they have made the step forward or are they gone down with flying colors and it would be really too bad.
Many condemn the "course" that the party embarked on the "left" or "left" and get right moves already in with quotations, the smell musty only as fear. Actually, it should be clear to any thinking person that the port course by no means have anything to do with nationalization of repressive and parasite treatment (this is a too-happy-used buzzword of property-oriented Existenzfeiglingen) must and should. That's not modern politics, and the Pirates can say much - but they are modern .
I think in Germany today it is time that people cease to be afraid to stop, to turn back and think "good old days", people with courage and with the technology and science on their side, the ethical responsibility for their lives and raise their children in exactly this spirit, rather than with the methods of fear and coercion and standardization (we no longer live in the 80s, the educational sciences and psychology outgrew long ago from the in what was "right") held on and work to extinguish an entire generation in hopelessness and consumption. Because this wine tastes flat and lukewarm.
The lie of the "good old days" will break. They existed before. It had been never been a time when so many people to read, write and think. Everything else is a cowardly hide in the womb, illusions and glorification that we would actually all be too old. Admittedly, what comes out occasionally at various thought processes you may see are a different matter, but all in all, we are on the mend even if there is still much to do. At least as far as all of our potential. Too bad if not used can lie fallow because they can not, not should not and does not want - and that was the policy of recent decades. In any government as in the black and yellow one has seen so clearly how much each other asses clean hands and for how stupid the average person is sold. Only to awaken to a false impression that there is an almost endless mental development is needed into the "common man" - but as silly as he is not to be sold CAN.
But back to topic - I am convinced that it is possible if one cuts the right strings and sets the right cords, various Waste dampens and taxed so many cheating, it all can do better. The problem is that the integrity of individuals of the species man is definitely the big picture to the devil sends - that we need one now more than ever - a system that controls the system is limited, simplified and improved. All power emanates from the people. At least according to the Constitution. And as we were out. Who has a problem with it, has no place in an official anything. And at least if he is then double-Manager, you know where all the time the wind blew. I do not believe that the system initiates its convenient Wirtschaftsbegattungsstarre, but I think it will at least have time for a fresh wind, a wind that is so fresh that people see that there is another way.
I overload myself here, not even with any ideology or idealism, but alone for a fraction of what I think is necessary, it takes more than just a niche party is full of outdoor and thinkers are simply different beat than the recent Staatsblinddärme. And I think something like the pirates could make short or long - and should. There are people different from the Pirates beat and if this diversity is used to from all corners of the state constitution and state fair, and efficient debürokratisiert make, it will contribute to an improvement in each case. Here is an overview of the recently adopted.
But first there again to overcome a few obstacles: Approval of the election may be support here, so carry the pirates on the ballot - what you choose will always have you leave.
Hail to the Kingdom of Steel!
Brother Arnoc
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