I think today is my lucky day. Professor Muller was right there. First I thought it was something bad happened. Because he has three looked a little more serious than usual, as he has built at the foot of my bed and asked about my health. But then he told me they would discontinue the chemo. It is now without it. Those were his words. Short and dry, as it is flat, the professor. Even before I understood correctly what he had just said he was outside again.
Now I'm sitting here and I can not believe my luck. For I have always had the suspicion that the pills have made me even more sick than the thing in my head. But no more. For joy I immediately tried to call Carina. That is not here today. Unfortunately I have not yet been reached. She wanted to organize something. Hopefully a surprise for my birthday. But actually I need now no longer. Main I'm finally back out here.
I have decided now to put me as a first name. With 11 points (11 is my favorite number) what I'm doing everything when I am outside. Number one I know. I would like to make a holiday by the sea. Preferably with a party on the beach. It's a bit embarrassing, but I've never been at sea. Jonas me so he always raised, even though the first was also on the Baltic. Regardless, to my beach party I would invite him nevertheless. It's obvious!
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