Dear Myself - Announcement
Today was the student-teacher conference after a hard but beautiful weekend is over. And although I was required to enjoy the aftermath , I'm looking forward to next year. After all, every year something else. As Volker
than last year Action fasting " Alternative presented to the classic fast in our class, I was unfortunately not been there and - if I remember correctly - that was always a slightly more difficult time been. But this year I will join.
To those who know it can not be explained: The measure concerns around the fast, or even cut back, but the choice of which WHAT fast you are, a free. It need not even be a fast, but can also be different.
I am trying to access it directly, the edge:
is planned that I write a letter every day. Unfortunately, I have noticed that I do not have enough friends who really away for 7 weeks a letter every day would stand by me, so I write my letters and publish them here in my blog.
is the end for something so precise as a blog and if I let him continue to waste away like that, I would like him, too close.
When I got the idea to write letters to myself, I thought of the manga "Dear Myself" and "World's End" think, has written the main character in the letters to himself and which has always started with the words Dear Myself .
would therefore like to I have to start all entries with just these words and write myself.
But to write letters to themselves I think anyhow always great because they are the most interesting. I can see in a few months or even years that there is at that time my "I" thought and felt.
The blog letters are not all. For in this context I would also like to add something.
the weekly change, I will withdraw a day for 1 hour from all media, I only loaded with a pot of tea and a book sit down on my couch and just read. In exchange for that, I also will use the hour to sit down simply, without music or PC and one hours will silently do nothing.
Those interested in the blog, therefore, is also invited to read along or comment on it. I've enabled the feature that everyone can write on the page without signing something. In that case, it would be nice if you do write your names would.
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